Saturday 21 June 2008


Wow, almost forgot about my blog! See this is why I'm bad at Myspace and the like, because I forget to check, and end up not logging on for days/weeks/months at a time.

So, an update on everything then really.

Life: life is good right now. As I said in my last post, my exams are now over and I'm taking the time off to enjoy myself. My prom was last night; I'll put some pictures up soon! I had a great night and everyone looked lovely.

My parents have gone on a weekend break with my little brother, leaving me and my older brother here. That means late night filmathons, eating too many sweets and no internet curfew! Yay!

Writing: Blimey, where do I start?

37,464 words written for SoCNoC and StringMo. Only... 12,500 odd left to go. Wooo!

And as well as that, I've had several plot bunnies hit me at once for different stories. Two posts ago I spoke of my idea for the paranormal romance. Several posts below that I mentioned the idea of 'Syringe Fuelled Adrenaline.' Since then, both of these ideas have been forming nicely in my head, along with two old ideas that have risen from their early graves to come back to haunt me. Both are fantasy, and both are demanding attention. However, I am determined to finish my June idea first, before I go crazy and start four more new stories.

Hope any body else reading is having a good time this June!

Friday 13 June 2008

No more exams = freedom!

I had my final exam today, woo. I'm free of the damn things until November! :D

Which means I now have 12 weeks of total freedom, to do whatever I like. Naturally, I've celebrated this fact by... writing, lol.


I am over half way for this month! Whoa, when did that happen? I'm ahead of schedule, which is ace, and I've had a great time in the last couple of days. (Concerts mainly; been to two in the last week)

So, after this weekend, where I'm packed full (Race for life, work and a meet up) I plan to relax, and start to organise myself slightly. Tidy my room, wipe my computer, organise my stories, that kind of thing. For the next week, I'm taking it easy. :D

Thursday 5 June 2008

Ghost, Exams and Wrist Ache

I have somehow managed to... damage my wrists. It feels like I've jarred them, but I don't remember doing it. How weird. It hurts slightly to type, but I've taken pain killers and I managed to write my daily quota for SoCNoC and StringMo.

11,982/50,000 words.

My English exam today was kind of easy. The first section was all right, but I disliked the poem we had to analyse. Section two was easy. "Describe your dream world." I was in heaven. Forty-five minutes later I didn't want to stop. I may type up a version of it at some point and keep it as a little short story or something, I don't know.

I also found this poem, by the talented musician by Emilie Autumn, and it sparked off my muse. After SoCNoc, I may try my hand at some kind of paranormal romance inspired by it! :O

Did you know sometimes it frightens me
when you say my name and I can't see you
will you ever learn to materialize before you speak
impetuous boy, if that's what you really are
how many centuries since you've climbed a balcony
or do you do this every night with someone else
you tell me that you never leave
and I am almost afraid to believe it
why is it me you've chosen to follow
did you like the way I look when I am sleeping
was my hair more fun to tangle
are my dreams more entertaining
do you laugh when I'm complaining that I'm all alone
where were you when I searched the sea
for a friend to talk to me
in a year where will you be
is it enough for you to steal into my mind
filling up my page with music written in my hand
you know I'll take the credit for I must have made you come to me somehow
but please try to close the curtains when you leave at night
or I'll have to find someone to stay and warm me
will you always attend my midnight tea parties
as long as I set your place
if one day your sugar sits untouched
will you have gone forever
would you miss me in a thousand years
when you will dry another's tears
but you say you'll never leave me
and I wonder if you'll have the decency
to pass through my wall to the next room
while I dress for dinner
but when I'm stuck in conversation
with stuffed shirts whose adoration
hurts my ears, where are you then
can't you cut in when I dance with other men
it's too late not to interfere with my life
you've already made me a most unsuitable wife
for any man who wants to be the first his bride has slept with
and you can't just fly into people's bedrooms
then expect them to calmly wave goodbye
you've changed the course of history
and didn't even try
where are you now
standing behind me
taking my hand
come and remind me
who you are
have you traveled far
are you made of stardust too
are the angels after you
tell me what I am to do
but until then I'll save your side of the bed
just come and sing me to sleep

Tuesday 3 June 2008

English Exams, Rock Band and Too Many Sweets

My English exam was okay. The first section was harder than the second section. I can't wait for the second paper on Thursday; I know one of the questions is creative writing :D I'll have to be careful not to get too absorbed in the one question and forget to answer the other, haha.

Four exams left to go before the extended summer. In said extended summer, I've promised to meet at least a dozen mates, go to the summer solstice, go to Alton Towers, go to the Prom, have several 'film-a-thons' with my cousin, and extend my hours at Pizza Hut. And I still plan to write. Whoa.

Yeah, prom coming up in three weeks. 20th of June. I'm actually looking forward to it, which is a surprise considering I am so totally not a fancy dress person. I don't do dresses; I don't do girlie. But all the same; I can't wait.

Eaten far too many sweets today, and played far too much Rock Band. That game is very, very addictive. I managed to complete the drums for Iron Maiden's 'Run To The Hills', so I'm very proud of myself. And talking of music...

I booked tickets to see Pendulum in November when they come to town. I've got Bon Jovi in a week. I missed the boat on Zebrahead though; they've now sold out. Going to see R.E.M. and the Editors in August. Life is good when it comes to live music :D

Me + music = bliss. The only thing that comes close is curling up with a really good film; which usually has to have an awesome soundtrack :D

SoCNoC/StringMo: 8,775/50,000 words. I may put an excerpt up here soon, if I feel like it. Though why I wouldn't I don't know. I put excerpts up on the JanNo and SW boards :p

Monday 2 June 2008

SoCNoC/StringMo and.... Rock Band?

Current word count: 6518/50,000 words for SoCNoC and StringMo.

Things are going well in the writing camp. I hope things continue like this. So far, my elven MC has killed the Prince to the Realm and has been exiled for the crime. The illicit relationship between the Queen and the Royal Spymaster has been hinted at, and my MC is currently having to fight for his life against a dragon.

Oh, I love fantasy.

I love Rock Band too. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a X0box 360 game where you're in... you guessed it... a rock band. And you have to play the music. We've even got a drum kit to play on it with! How cool! It's very distracting... I really want to just play it constantly.

English exam tomorrow. Next to no revision. Ah well... :P

Have decided that from now on, November, January, April and June are my "NaNo" months. The other 8 months are for editing, pre-writing and the finishing of novels started in the NaNo months. Let's see how long this organisation lasts....

Sunday 1 June 2008

Okay! 1st of June.

I've written 1,241 words already, which is quite good considering I got back from Holiday at 1 o'clock this afternoon.

So, holiday first. Me, my immediate family and my cousin Lotty went to London. Not exactly a big holiday, but it was lovely just the same. We went to a bunch of museums, and I must admit I am a huge geek. I love museums. I also saw the Chicago musical for a second time, which was awesome. Also saw the Lord of the Rings musical which was... lacking, when it came to music. As someone who's worked back stage in school productions doing lighting/SFX, I could tell that technically, and visually, it was complex and amazing. It just lacked music, which as a musical, was slightly weird. Gollum was done very well, as were the fight scenes. It just lacked in impact and music.

On a better note, I saw King Lear at the globe. Oh. My. God. I liked Shakespeare at school, but didn't know much about the play. It was AMAZING. The guy playing Lear was awesome, and the guy playing Edgar was the CUTEST :P And he sung, and he was welsh, and he wore black armour, and oh, my teenage imagination has run away with me again :D

So, I've come home from London in one piece, with several plot bunnies and four new t-shirts, to launch straight into SoCNoC and StringMo.... 50,000 words.

Wish me luck!
