Monday 21 July 2008

Well this is just an update to say...

See you in a month!

I'm going on holiday so I won't be back for the rest of July, and most of August. :)

Saturday 12 July 2008

Saturday Scribes- Communication

Okay, well this week, my brain wasn't functioning too well when I received the prompt of 'communication'. So I decided to clear it slightly by working through my thoughts on communication and turning it into a general musing on the world. So here it is; my thoughts of communication.


“If you speak to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. If you speak to a man in his own language, it goes to his heart.” Nelson Mandela.

I could give a hundred and one quotes on communication, and more specifically on language. Stop and think. What would your life be without communication? Imagine a world where there are no computers. That means no forums, no chat rooms and no emails. Imagine how silent the world would become. You wouldn’t be able to find like minded people who appreciate the same things as you from half way across the world. I wouldn’t be talking to you now. I wouldn’t know people from America, Canada, Israel, Germany, Australia… I would only know people from my local area; and that is a terrifying and dull prospect. Without computers so many methods of communication would be lost.

Then imagine if the telephone had never been invented: that you couldn’t pick up your mobile and text a friend. We’d lose a whole new language: text speak. Well it may b English but it aint nuffin like it reali. Maybe that wouldn’t be such a loss. Or maybe I am just a cynic, unable to see what the mobile has done for us: how easy it has made communication. Imagine life without it. We’d still be using carrier pigeons and messenger boys.

But imagine if we couldn’t write. There’d be no letters and no notes for pigeons to carry. But deeper than that, there would be no more stories written down for our enjoyment. There would be no great works of fiction: Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Tolkien… none of these would exist. On a smaller level I couldn’t leave a note tacked to the fridge telling my brother that he needed to buy some more milk. And if we can’t write, then we cannot read; and we lose one of life’s greatest pleasures. Writing and reading is to be treasured, and if there were no communicating, then we’d lose something of far more value than diamond and pearls.

Still, we would be able to talk, right? But what if we couldn’t? What if, millions of years ago, we’d neglected our vocal chords and remained silent? Then all oral tradition would be lost; all past, present and future. What if all the languages in the world no longer existed? What if over night everyone lost their voice and silence reigned? And what of body language: the most primitive form of communication. What if we were frozen? What if you couldn’t tell the difference between a smile and a frown?

Truly, if you imagine a world without communication, you imagine … nothing at all.

Humans need communication to survive. So what’s stopping us? Communicate; be it through speaking, writing, texting or touching. More than love, power and happiness, communication is important. For who can love without communicating? Who can be in power without communication? And who can be happy when they are nothing?

Communication. It’s more than just emails; it’s more than just talking; it’s more than just writing. Communication is everything.

Just a quick update :)

Well I'll be updating properly later on today with a new snippet of story for Saturday Scribes, but for now, this is an update on my week.

Not much happened :p

I helped decorate my brothers room, went to Alton Towers themepark and got rained on all day, and went to town with my cousin.

My word count for July currently stands at 12,913 words, and I've started a new novel idea up. It involves Vampires :D

And that's about it for this update. A snip shall be up later.

Friday 4 July 2008

July, SoCNoC and a prompt...

So, it's July :)

I reached my 50,000 word goal for June, so managed to win both SoCNoC and StringMo. My goal for this month is smaller: 20,000 words :p

Fishcat on Stringing Words gave a link out to "Saturday Scribes" which is a weekly prompt site where you get the prompt on Friday and have until Saturday to write something and post it. So I decided to give it ago.

Here is my effort for this week. I will say here that this is an entirely new direction for me. This is the first "short" piece of prose I've written in a long time (several years) and that my usual genre is Fantasy. This... umm... style, is new ground, and as such, my writing possibly isn't up to par.

And I shall put an adult content notice on this, in case some young children are reading who still giggle at nakedness :)


We are art.

You lie there, half covered in scarlet silken sheets your head thrown back, adorable in sleep. Your hair fans across the pillow, the curls falling about you in a halo of blonde. When you breathe the hair across your face moves in and out; as waves upon a beach. In and out, in and out. I can see the surf breaking now, the children screaming with delight as they paddle in the cold waters, and as they lose themselves to the ecstasy of the waves, I lose myself to the beauty of your body.

Your neck is the famous white cliffs of Dover, your breasts hills in the landscape. Your back dips down to create a valley, and as you sleep I trail my fingers down the curvature of your spine. You are so many things to me. You are a goddess, beauty incarnate, and you are mine.

We are lovers.

One of your hands is clasped to your rounded stomach. You hold new life in your hands. The landscape around us gives us what we need to survive, and you are giving yourself to our child. The art of self sacrifice. This child changes everything we have.

We will need to extend the house; to change the landscape around us to fit our new needs. And this child will change us too. Stretch marks will come, along with tired rings around our eyes and short tempers. Short fights and vents of frustration mixing with out of control hormones.

It is so worth it.

I move behind you, spooning my body around yours. My hands wrap around your still sleeping form and cradle you and the child. I touch the tightly stretched skin across your stomach and wait with baited breath to see if the child will kick, hitting out at his prison of flesh. This morning, nothing stirs. I close my eyes and wish for a boy. I know you wish for a girl. You want to name it Charlotte, or Peter. I prefer Juliet, or Lysander. You laughed at me for that, mocking my love of Literature. It was the first difference of opinion in our child’s life. I know there will be many more.

Together, we are poetry. We are lovers. But more than that, we are landscape. We are the support system for our child, the only world that they will know for many years before they are ready to take those final steps away from us. More than hills, mountains, valleys, seas and lakes, we are the landscape that you will come to see and love.