Monday 2 June 2008

SoCNoC/StringMo and.... Rock Band?

Current word count: 6518/50,000 words for SoCNoC and StringMo.

Things are going well in the writing camp. I hope things continue like this. So far, my elven MC has killed the Prince to the Realm and has been exiled for the crime. The illicit relationship between the Queen and the Royal Spymaster has been hinted at, and my MC is currently having to fight for his life against a dragon.

Oh, I love fantasy.

I love Rock Band too. For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a X0box 360 game where you're in... you guessed it... a rock band. And you have to play the music. We've even got a drum kit to play on it with! How cool! It's very distracting... I really want to just play it constantly.

English exam tomorrow. Next to no revision. Ah well... :P

Have decided that from now on, November, January, April and June are my "NaNo" months. The other 8 months are for editing, pre-writing and the finishing of novels started in the NaNo months. Let's see how long this organisation lasts....


J.C. Hart said...

Good luck with your exam :-) Hope it goes well!
Sounds like you are having lots of fun with everything going on for you, well done on the word count so far!

Unknown said...

Your entry made me think of the trip back from dining out tonight. We drove by a house in the downtown area where guitars were wailing and cymbels clanging and the sign out front said ROCK SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP