Sunday 1 June 2008

Okay! 1st of June.

I've written 1,241 words already, which is quite good considering I got back from Holiday at 1 o'clock this afternoon.

So, holiday first. Me, my immediate family and my cousin Lotty went to London. Not exactly a big holiday, but it was lovely just the same. We went to a bunch of museums, and I must admit I am a huge geek. I love museums. I also saw the Chicago musical for a second time, which was awesome. Also saw the Lord of the Rings musical which was... lacking, when it came to music. As someone who's worked back stage in school productions doing lighting/SFX, I could tell that technically, and visually, it was complex and amazing. It just lacked music, which as a musical, was slightly weird. Gollum was done very well, as were the fight scenes. It just lacked in impact and music.

On a better note, I saw King Lear at the globe. Oh. My. God. I liked Shakespeare at school, but didn't know much about the play. It was AMAZING. The guy playing Lear was awesome, and the guy playing Edgar was the CUTEST :P And he sung, and he was welsh, and he wore black armour, and oh, my teenage imagination has run away with me again :D

So, I've come home from London in one piece, with several plot bunnies and four new t-shirts, to launch straight into SoCNoC and StringMo.... 50,000 words.

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

J.C. Hart said...

Good luck! Sounds like you had an awesome holiday and already some good words down for SoCNoC! keep up the great work :-)