Monday 21 April 2008

Hey Everyone

So, I've decided to join a growing trend of people creating blogs. Hi guys *waves*

To find out more about me as a person, please look at my personal profile. As it is, I've created this blog for a couple of reasons

1) To rant- I do a lot of this; I admit to it now. Even the smallest of things could set me off, so be warned.

2) So I've got somewhere to write my musings of the world. I used to use Myspace and VF, but I didn't stick around. Maybe this will be more successful

3) To talk about my greatest hobby: writing. If I'm not ranting I'm writing. I'll probably update this blog with news of ideas I've had, of characters, of snippets and of publishing news. As I start taking this hobby in a serious direction, I'll need somewhere where I can rant, rave, scream and celebrate without the worry of flooding one particular forum.

And finally:

4) 'To meet new people' - I.e. where I can hopefully find like minded people who I have yet to meet, and where also I can keep out of the hair of people who dislike me for whatever reason. After all; if you didn't like me, why would you read my blog?

So hey to anyone who's reading; I hope this blog blooms with success :)

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